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A member registered Jul 23, 2019

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do you think you could compile a playlist of these on youtube ?

So let me explain....No there's to much to explain, let me sum up. HOLY CRAP! This game is amazing each character in this world has their own personality. Each one is memorable and have their own little charm. I think what I like the best is when you come across a NPC that looks creepy if not terrifying, but as soon as you talk to them they immediately become human, real, and are no longer scary. The world building is incredible after playing the game I found myself wanting to learn more about the world of the VOID. The art for this game is so perfect too, the style compliments the mood so well for this game. The only complaint I have for this absolute gem of a game is the lack of music.  This complaint  however can simply be remedied by google searching for " 2hrs. of Creepy Music" and then choose one of the following plethora of Creepy-pasta reading accompaniments.  I would love to be able to download this game, but until then you can bet that I have this game page bookmarked for later replaying.

I like the concept of the game, shame that you can abuse the system by just grinding easy mode. But despite that I like this :D